Kosmos 1 Owner's Manual

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Kosmos Kosmos 1 Manual Information:

This manual for Kosmos Kosmos 1, given in the PDF format, is available for free online viewing and download without logging on. The guide contains 56 pages, and the size of the file at download is . The document type is Owner's Manual.

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Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] Kosmos Kosmos 1


[Page 2] Kosmos Kosmos 1


[Page 3] Kosmos Kosmos 1

, • • IKD8MaSI 1M • Copyright-KosmosInternational, Ltd. Patt'lltPt'nding ...

[Page 4] Kosmos Kosmos 1

'10 'I" 16: 11 10 n ,. " :. ?c 3C ." .' .' , . J • + , 1 • S G 0 , , '= I p - • j • , I I • • • , I I • , I ; • I , , I I , , - • • , , , .. r , . ' 19 ' ltg .- ' 1' I ...

[Page 5] Kosmos Kosmos 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS .. ~.--~~~::"::::;:""'::::::::::":'~~:"':'~;'-'---------------- • 1. Introduction 2. GeneralDescription 3. Key Description 4. Biorhythm Application 5. Calc:ulatorApplication 6...

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[Page 8] Kosmos Kosmos 1

.INTRODUCTION TO BIORHYTHM Congratulations. You've iust shown the good sense to buy the best pockct·sizc biorhythm computer on the market. KosmosI. But before you startpushing buttons, take a minute to be sure you undersumd what you'll be ...

[Page 9] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• • • You also ha.ve critical and mini-criticaldays I,,'ruchwe'll get toin the glossary), along with upl +landdown (-I periods in eachcycle. Your daily position in each of thesecycles hasa lot to do with howyou feel. Forcxa.mplc, when...

[Page 10] Kosmos Kosmos 1

K05.\105I T1w KO)mO!i t Biorhythm Campalel' ~nd C~kubla:r ao P"~ )"01;/. ~Ilr 1riofh)'thmlcinfoml.1tioll lOW Il«'d- It IO.lII cm", 1""" pbysic:ll. c:mOlioll:al =d inldlec~ C')"ckt;., II ClII:alm...

[Page 11] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• • cyclea few years later. And people all over the world have be{;n monitoring biorhythmseversince. Over 100 books have been written describmgwhat hasalready been learned. IBM builta computercostingover S2,OCXJ,OOO that cangive researchers all o...

[Page 12] Kosmos Kosmos 1

9 IB.'l360 TM IB.\116O compl.ltn' o;:In :;;,.,. J'O".:t1l tbe biofil)'tilmie t:dcuL:It..ion) )·ou ... ·,,"1.1(' nbil).:t5" .-m "nd C,(N~"bou.l "' ... - • ...

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, • -. 10 ...

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It's thanks to the help of computers like these that the training of someof the most powcrlul OlympicTeaffis in the world have revolved around eachcompetitors biorhythm. 11 ...

[Page 15] Kosmos Kosmos 1

.-------------. • • United Airlines, J3PJ1l Airlinesand $wissairhaveall biorhythmicallymonitored their employees. Even mcm hers of tbe USAF Tactical Air Commandand Army Aviation have had their biorhythms charted. In Japan, taxi, bus .md truckdriv...

[Page 16] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• GENERAL DESCRIPTION Kosmos I-Biorhythm Computer 1. GeneralDcscription Kosmos I iSH uniquely designed electronic computer for rapiddetenninution of biorhythmic data. Birthdates plus other desired dates are entered via a keyboard and the desired bi...

[Page 17] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• • mi1chiD\.; will compute and displ:lY dll:daysun rhdr biorhythm cydcs~md also the percentage cump.ltibility bcrw\.:cn yourselfand the other party . 2.3 Critical &.l\1ini"CriticaJ Days W"hen calculating the points on your biorhyth...

[Page 18] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• ! '. KEY DESCRIPTION -,-- ,------- CD Forward m Reverse Biorhythm Function Keys m Biurhyrhm E Dare O. Birthdatc CD Comp;.ltibilityf Similarity --,-"" ---,------ Digit<1\ Display _ Traffic Lights _ OnlOff Switch _ ClcarKcy _ Arit...

[Page 19] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• PowcrSwitch: Move the side-switch backward to start;I calculation. You should 110\\" sec displaYLod OJ. Numeral Keys: o ~ CD Entt:rs numerals. Decimal Point Key: For decimal places, lise th..: key in its 101-,>1c:'11 sequence. Arithm...

[Page 20] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Date Key: 5 Enter!> the dL'!>in:d on tl' (:\'\Ililt h. D;:ly. ;:lI1d Ye;:lfl. Ttl"':l1 tl'r th~ date, for ex;:ullplc, IUl1e 7th. lY76,oremtl': CD:=D CTIL!...: Or. ! em !\lomh Day Ycar Aftcr pressing the G key,...

[Page 21] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• • Aftr.::rprcssing [hI.: birthdJtl: keys, thl'llttc plus the day llf the wc:ck will be visi bh.: on the display. "In addition, usc of dthcr the BI or B2 keys is illustr;1tcd by J <lisp!..})' in the extreme left hand digit. Wll...

[Page 22] Kosmos Kosmos 1

''"------------------------ Biorhythm Key: • When all data has been put in correctly, pressing this key obtains the biorhythm and displays them. Compatibility,'SimilarityKe}': CD This CD key will cause thecomputertocalculat...

[Page 23] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• , CIC'3rKe)': (C!.R) This key is used either to clear the lastenrry if it were made in errorby pr~ssing once or by pressing twice wcompletely·clearall register to begin a new calculation. The computer will again be in the four function...

[Page 24] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Error/Overflow: Error <'Ind owrflow arc indicated by an "I" sign .. ll1d inn ... nupts further c:lkuI<'Itlon. To reset the I..'rruror l)vcrfIow tocuminue opcmtion, press the (c...) kl..'y. Error <'Inti o\&a...

[Page 25] Kosmos Kosmos 1

BIORHYTHM APPLICATION Pcrson<ll Biorhythm Step 1. Tum the powcrswitch (ON) Step2. Key in mday'sdarc [Ordatl' un \\"hich thl' billrhrthmsan: to be calculated.l Example: For June 7. 1976, pn:ss thl: keys in the following order: 0...

[Page 26] Kosmos Kosmos 1

StepS. Press a key. Step6. Pn.'Ssl3 key. The display will nuw change to indicatc the puims on thl' thn:e biorhythm curves. Rapid Determination of Biorhythm Points Ahead orBehind Toda}"s Date. Step 1. Cllcu]atc Biorhythms as in3.1 throu...

[Page 27] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Rapid Determination of Critical andMini-Critical Days Step 1. Calculate biorhythms as above (Step 1-61. Step2. Press CD kc.:y. Display will shuw new J<lt~. Step3. {aJ If nUDe (If the traffic lights are lit, press CD key ag<1in. Display will sho...

[Page 28] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Physical SCI1l'iti\"ity Intc:lkctual - At anytimL' thl.: calculator i~ (lp~r'Hin~ in th\.' hit,rhythm mode. thl' indic~tor lights will ~ri\"l.: j tltshinp; warnint-:. of critir.:<11 and mini-critical days as ftil...

[Page 29] Kosmos Kosmos 1

. Another Person'sBiorh},thm Step 1. Key in tooay'sd.1te (or date on which the.' biorhythms an.: to hc.:calculatcd.) Stcp2. Press G key. Step3. Key in person's birchdate. Stcp4. Press m key. StepS. Press a key. Tht: display will n...

[Page 30] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Biorhythmic Compatibility BetweenYourself and Other People· Step 1. Key in your own birthdatt:. Stcp2. Press a key. Step3. Key in other birthdate. Step4. Press m key. StepS. Press CD key. Display will now change to show compatibility as a pcrcc:ntag...

[Page 31] Kosmos Kosmos 1

DISPLAYED RESULT CALCULATOR APPLICATIONS Basic Operation TIll' ((IBowing p:1gcsshow >"Oll the pnlpcr procdun.:s of manipuladn..!.t the ctlIcuhltofand instructs )'tiU in its basic opc!":'ltiol1s so tmlt y(llI ma. y soon ]cm...

[Page 32] Kosmos Kosmos 1

EXAMPLE: KEY OPERATION DISPLAYED RESULT 3€!l4El15g103El1 @) iilIIl.5 at .5 ~ 4.5 e Subtraction: 12 -389 = -3i7 11 a 38ge Note: Topcrfonn 3. problem usinga negative 1st numbt:r, operate (o;vo) Ii! then the number. Example: 1 -0-4--- •• :).;. ..:...

[Page 33] Kosmos Kosmos 1

J\lixed Calculations: 3x4-2=4 1 "x-+ + 1_ 4 = -1.6666667 lx3 . .li3402D3Cll4la _::::CJJ I 41 - l. 6.6'66;6·6-7 Cunst.lnt calculations are pcrfunncd as follows: Entry EttDI EntryEl 6 Sl't as constant .. Entry ClIElJEntrySl 30 ...

[Page 34] Kosmos Kosmos 1

EXA.I\1PLE: Constant: 30 x 22 =660 30 x 28 =840 123-;-3=41 333-;-3=111 3' = 9 3 3 =27 3' =81 4 6 =65536 KEY OPERATION 30DnEi 28E1 12303 EI 333E1 3DS EI EI 4 DEiDEID EI DISPLAYED RESUlI 1616 0 1814 0 14 I I III I I 1 I 19 1 I 1217 I I 1811 ....

[Page 35] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• SPECIFICATION OperatingTemperature:' O"C 40"C 132°F· 1 04°F) Dimensions: °140 mlm 15.52") Deprhx 70 mlm 12.76") Widrh x27 mlm 11.06") Height. Weight: °160grams 15.14 oz) [mcludingbatteriesr CalculationRange: &qu...

[Page 36] Kosmos Kosmos 1

DISPOSABLE DRY BATIERY ORAC OPERATION This c<llcuJawr o~rjtes un either drr bJttcrh.'s or AC with the usc of the AC ADAPTOR, DRYBATTERY OPERATION With three AA size mangant.'Sl: dry OOtlt.:rics (5U.\1.-3) it upcratl."S for jprmximat...

[Page 37] Kosmos Kosmos 1

AC OPERATIO:'l. Ifyou :.m: in'l 117V an':<l, for imt:mcL', us{.' ;1 II?\' AC ADi\PTOR. \\'ht:ll you usc an AC ADAPTOR Of;;1 Jiffcrcnt \"olr<1gc, it m:'l)" enust..' Jam;J~l' w btnh the ...

[Page 38] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• The calculator is a durable, precision·made instrument. So, h'e recommend that the inside of the calculator not be touched. • It is also inadvisable to subiect the calculator to hard knocks, drops, and unduly strong key pressLrIg. • Ext...

[Page 39] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• Remember to place powerswitch in "OFF" position upon completionof your use of the calculator. • Do not clean the calculator with harsh clc~mers Of petroleum and ak<lhol, always usc the silicon cloth. • • To avoid damage to the ...

[Page 40] Kosmos Kosmos 1

GLOSSARY Biorhythm: The theorygoes like this: From our binh to our death, we are influenced by 3 internal cycles. A 23-dayphysical cycle. A 28·day emotional cycle. And a 33·day intellectualcycle. Our daily positionwithin these cycles has a lotto do...

[Page 41] Kosmos Kosmos 1

COMPATIBILIlY/SIMILARllY RATIO CHART 2)·IJAY 28·IJAY 33-1>AY PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELl,ECTUAL CYCLE CYC~E CYCLE . Dnys I'l:rccntngc DllYs Percentage DlIY~ l\:rcclll(l~c Apllrt Ch~UlgC i\ 1l:1 rt Chl\1lgc Aillirl Chongc " IO()'){, ...

[Page 42] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Critica1:0nyourbiorhythm graph, anyday of any cycJe that crossesthe cemerlineof division iscalled acritical day. On those days youare prone to be a little less sharp than youwould normally be. CriticalLine: This is thecenterline ofdivisionon yourbior...

[Page 43] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Cycle,Physical: 1bis is a2J.daycycle. It affects your stn~lIgth, coordination, ~ physiology, and yourresistance to disease. Basically. your daily position in )'ourphysicalcycle has alot todowith whether }"Ou're full of pep. Or feel I ....

[Page 44] Kosmos Kosmos 1

High(plus day): On anydays which appearabovc the critical line on your biorhythm graph, you arc on what researchcrs call a high. On thosedays, you are apt tohavemore energy, feel more emotionally stable and be morealert. Low (minus day): On any days ...

[Page 45] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Mini-Critical: "The mini-critical is a recent imponam discovery that has been made by rescarchcrsspccializingin biorh),thm studies. It seems to indicate that at the mid-p<lim between twO critical days individuals, especially athletes, seem to...

[Page 46] Kosmos Kosmos 1

• BIBLIOGRAPHY Aschoff, jurgen led.}. Circadian Clocks. Amsteroam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1965. Bennett, M. LivingClocks in the Animal World. Springfield, Illinois:Thomas, 1974. . Best, John W. Research in Education. Englewood Cliffs, New Je...

[Page 47] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Conroy, R. T. W. L. and J. N. Mills. Human Circadiun Rhyttuns. London, J. and A. Cburchill,1970. Dale, Atbie (Ph.D.}. Biorhythm. NcwYork- PocketBooks, aDivision of Simon & Schuster, inc. DeVries, Hcrben A Physiology and Exercisefor Physical Educa...

[Page 48] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Fraisse, Paul. ThePsychology of Time. New York, Evanston, and London: Harperand Row Publishers, 1963. Gittelson, Bernard. Biorhythm: A Personal Science. New York: Arco PublishingCo., 1975. Goodwin, B. C. TemporalOrganization in Cells. London and. cw ...

[Page 49] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Malla.rdi, Vincent. Biorhythms &. Your Behavior. Philadelphia: McdiaAmerica, Inc., 1976. Mayersbach, H.led.l.The Cellular~cts of Biorhythmg' Symposiumon Rhythmctic Research. New York: Springer·Verlag. NewYorK::~c., 19 7. Mills, J. N. Biolog...

[Page 50] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Pavlidis, Tbeodisios. Biological Oscillations: TheirMathematical Analysis. New York and london: Academic Press, 1965. PengelleYt EricT: (ed.). Circannual Clocks: AnnualBiological Rhythms. Ne',\,Yorl<: AcademicPress, 1976. Rejmann, Hoban A. Pe...

[Page 51] Kosmos Kosmos 1

Smith, Robm E.{DrJ. The Complete Book of Biorhythm Life Cycles. New York: Aardvark Publishers, Ine. Sollberger l A. Biological Rhythm Research. Amstemam, London, and New York: Elsevier PubIisbingCompany, 1965. Still, Henry. Of Time,Tides and InnerClo...

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BIRTHDATE. REGISTER NAME DATE -----1--- 49 -----,{ ...

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NAME DATE 50 ...

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51 NAME DATE I I ...

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NAME DATE KDEiMD8I TM.- -- 52 ...

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W III ~ ~ ~ ;: " c 0 ~ 0 .. z E • '" , Z 0 0 ~ 0 " ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ '" :>- 0 " W ~ '" " " • • • , , , • • • III OJ ~ m '" m " '" " • '" ...